Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Working ON Your family Not Just IN Your Family

What do you dream of for each of your children?  How are you going to help them get there? The start of a new year is a perfect time to take a step back and look at what matters most in our lives, seeking to make things better.

Successful business owners take time periodically to look at the big picture in their businesses, to set some goals to work towards, and to identify areas that need improvement.  The common phrase for this process is “working ON the business, not just working IN the business”.

With the complexity of the lives of most American families, we as parents can definitely benefit from “working ON the family, not just IN the family”.  Our kids face a lot of challenges in their growing up years.  From an early age, schools expect better social interactions and behavior of our kids and also set higher learning standards for them.  We are challenged to allow our kids access and mastery of all types of electronics, while still preserving our kids’ youth and innocence.  Teens and young adults are facing a much more difficult battle for part-time and full-time employment.  The parenting decisions and skills we use with our kids now, however young they are, not only have an impact on their present but also on their future lives.

Join us to work ON your family and to work ON your parenting skills in the upcoming “Becoming a Love and Logic Parent” classes beginning January 16, 2013.  Click here for more information and to register.  Classes start in a few days and there are only a few spots left, so contact me today!

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