Wednesday, November 21, 2018

Steps Families Can Take To Have a Healthy Resiliency

The Steps to take for a Healthy Resiliency:

By Carolyn Pachas-Guest Writer

Hi everyone, last blog I talked the meaning of resiliency, and today I want to talk about the steps to take for a healthy resiliency.

In the book called, "Resilience: The Science of Mastering Life's Greatest Challenges," Dr. Dennis Charney's work gives us the steps to healthy resiliency as:

the positive view of yourself

a.   developing confidence in yourself

b.   ability to solve problems

c.    trusting instincts

2.   Cognitive Behavioral Therapy which is a kind of treatment that focuses on resilience by:

 Examining relationships between thoughts, feelings, and behavior.

3.   Embrace a moral compass which is the inner sense that:

a.   guides a person’s decisions

b.   in deciding what is right from what is wrong

c.    functions as a guide for morally appropriate behavior

4.   Develop a set of core beliefs that very few things can shatter

5.   Have a role model

Someone to look up to, admire and want to emulate

6.   Develop active coping skills

a.   behaviors, thoughts, emotions

b.   adjust to changes that occur in your life

7.   Create positive statements about oneself and seek support from others when necessary.

8.   Make connections

a.   friends and family

b.   accepting help strengthens resiliency

9.   Physical Recreation

a.   an effective way of maintaining emotional health and resiliency

b.   Things like running, team sports, yoga, meditation, progressive muscle relaxation.

Another body that focuses on how to establish a healthy resiliency is the military. Under the United States Army Comprehensive Soldier Fitness analyzed by Colonel Richard Franklin Timmons II, there are five pillars to follow:

·       Emotional Fitness, Family Fitness, Physical Fitness, Social Fitness, and Spiritual Fitness.

Notice how the emotional fitness was the first one, and the family is the second. Each included support. The supportive, loving environment was mentioned as important parameters for a soldier to have a strong capacity to endure difficult situations in the battlefield.

In the next blog, I will cover activities you can do with your children to develop self-confidence, and establish good relationships.

If this blog helped you, or if you would like to comment on the box below, please do. Share this blog with your friends and family on your social media. We want to help others have a healthy resiliency. Thank you for reading and sharing

Carolyn Pachas is a guest writer for Janet Bonnin. She has worked with families for more than 12 years providing parenting courses, and giving assistance in her own community. She is a professional communicator, and a writer.

Janet Bonnin, Your Family Growth Coach, has worked with families since 2001 to deepen connections and improve communication, so all can lower stress and thrive.  Visit to learn how.


Charney, D. & Southwick, S. (2018).  Resilience: The Science of Mastering Life's Greatest Challenges (1)

Timmons, Col. R. (2013). The United States Army Comprehensive Soldier Fitness Retrieved from

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