What does it look like to EASE your way into the New Year while creating positive, lasting changes? What does it look like to gently pursue your goals for 2018, without adding undo stress to your already busy lives?
Let’s look at an example, using my weight loss goals. If you are like me, you may have enjoyed the
holidays a bit too much - in the area of eating lots of delicious foods. One of my goals for 2018 is to lose the few
pounds I gained over the holidays, plus about 20 pounds more!
from health experts and my own experience have taught me that I can take two
routes. The more stressful and less successful
one will be to cut way back on calories and really ramp up my exercise. This leads to me feeling starved and deprived
and can lead to injuries. In other
words, I’d be setting myself up to fail.
On the other hand, if I EASE
my way into this – cutting back gradually and eating healthier foods, along
with increasing my exercise levels a bit at a time, I’m much more likely to embrace
and create lasting healthier habits.
We spent a good bit of 2017 in our community talking about
adopting a Marathon Mindset (also known as Taking the Long View) in how we raise our kids. Each year, we have a whole 365 days to make
changes and growth and develop new strengths. Let’s pace ourselves and make the
change lasting and effective for the long haul.
So ask yourself: What
gentle adjustments can I make over the next several weeks that helps my family EASE toward our goals?? How can I break down these large goals into
manageable steps that don’t put additional stress and pressure on us?
I’ve got a great way to engage your loved ones in creating a
vision for your family, identify what matters most and identify a few areas to
gently work towards better habits.
Click this link and I’ll send it right out to you: http://vid.us/8n752w
I know you and your family will enjoy the engaging
conversations and activities and feel proud of your Family Vision Board and Values Exercise!