Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Ending the School Year on a High Note – Let’s Chat!

School's almost out for summer! This is the time of year when it is very natural for your sons and daughters to get so excited about summer that they might struggle to apply themselves in school. Here are some simple and easy tips to help your children finish out the school year strong.

1. Set some goals

Encourage your child to set reasonable goals for what he or she wants to achieve by the end of the school year. Working towards a goal will help your student stay motivated to do his or her best and keep to a study schedule.  A great way to encourage your child to do this is to model it.  Set and share some of your own goals for the same period and you can share your progress.

2. Break down big assignments into smaller pieces

Teach your son or daughter to identify small steps to achieve larger projects or to study for an exam, so he or she can recognize the forward progress of the large assignment. The satisfaction he or she feels will help him or her keep on going.

There you have two great ideas.  JOIN ME, Parent Coach Janet Bonnin, for more on the next Parent Info On the Go Chat!

Parent Info On the Go!

I'll be joined by Parent Advocate Angela Woodrow as we co-host the May Parent Info On the Go Chat this Tuesday, May 19 at 7 PM CT. This is a great audio interview series with experts like me who help you parent smarter. Each interview, about 20 minutes in length, will give you great information on how to improve an area in your life or that of your children.  

In our session on Tuesday, I’ll share more helpful ideas on how to encourage and help your kids finish the school year strong.  Bring any questions you might have and we’ll talk about them.

Email me the phrase “Finish Strong” to and I’ll send you the free call-in information and details of the call for Tuesday, May 19 at 7 PM CT.  I hope to hear you on the call!

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